Watch Party Friday September 24th 7pm

Please join us for a fun rebroadcast of 5th annual Open Door Pride Virtual Pride Festival which was originally streamed on June 26, 2021

September 24th 7pm-8:30pm on Open Door Pride facebook page
and Open Door Pride Youtube channel  and direct link to the Open Door Pride Festival

Due to technical issues during the live streaming, many videos were either omitted or were not formatted correctly. The newly edited version will include all the live aspects and videos that were submitted.

The program lasts 1:34 minutes. it was recorded and streamed from Piranha North Studio in Sturgeon Bay.

With video featuring national performing artists BETTY, Celeste Lecesne of The Trevor Project, Future Perfect Project, It Gets Better, Cathy Grier and The Troublemakers, Dorothy Scott,Holly Olm,  Kinder Creatures, Johnny Delorit, John Contratto, No Name Ukulele Band, Ralph Murre with Maxel Toft and Jlah. Monologues by Morgen Greathouse, Kole Mallien, Coleen Bins of Chief Osh Gosh. and videos from around Door County, Destination Sturgeon Bay, Destination Door County, PFLAG, Death Door Knockers,  Northern Sky, Third Avenue Playhouse, BLM Door County, Rae Senarighi, Door county Pulse, Jenna Bree and Jeff Greathouse, Sevastopol SAGA. With a live reading of Sturgeon Bay Proclamation and State Assembly Citation, including awarding this year’s recipient of the Sandy Brown Award to Write On Door County, award created by Stephanie Trenchard.

Invite your friends, please share.
Lets have some fun celebrating our 5th year since forming Open Door Pride,

Yours with Pride,
Open Door Pride Committee
Cathy, Jodi, James, Cindy, Steve,
Sandy, Darrick, Jerod, Deirdre and Jeff

Virtual Pride 2021